What you should know 
There are a lot of free banner exchange sites out there: you show a banner on your site, in exchange for another site showing your banner. A banner is advertising that follows a rotation rule. Generally for every 2 banners shown on your site, your banner is shown one time on another site. The rotation is managed by the banner’s site. 
Users of Visual Vision products: all of these sites will supply an Html text to insert in your pages with “Insert >Html >Within text”. Note you will not see the banner directly in the editor: the service will work only with the published pages, so you need to publish them with “Publish >Internet FTP”. 
After you have inserted the banner service’s code, you have to send your own banner to them, in order for them to display it (click here to see a list of banner creation software). 
Most of these sites can generate statistics, so you can keep count of visits and exposures. 
List of banner exchange services 
Banner exchange 
Banner Exchange 
European banner exchange 
Euro Banner 
Banner exchange  
Multilevel banner exchange 
Free Banner 
Buttons exchange 
Multilevel banner exchange 
Banner exchange 
Hyperbanner - BPath 
Multilevel banner exchange, family safe 
Link Buddies 
Banner exchange 
Link exchange - BCentral 
Multilevel banner exchange 
Net On 
Multilevel banner exchange 
Power Exchange 
Banner exchange, target optimization 
Banner exchange, pays 
Top Banner 
Banner and click exchange 
Banner exposure, no exchange 
Visual Vision Exchange 
Web Banner Italia 
Banner exchanges that pay 
Banner exchange; 1:1, pays $0.1 per click 
1 For 1 
Banner exchange; 1:1, pays 
Banner Coop 
List of Banner suppliers and discussions about banners 
Banner exchange, pays 
Associate Cash 
Banner exchange, pays 
Bach Sys 
Pays you for banners (min. 5000pw/month) 
Banner exchange, pays 
Banner exchange, pays, affiliations 
Commission Junction 
Banner exchange, pays, affiliations 
Link Share 
Visual Vision takes no responsibility for the content and services of these pages. 
Use the top menu to take a look at pages related to free images, graphics, fonts, music, banner exchange, advertising, webmaster utility, search engines, URL submission, software for image processing, guestbooks, redirections, Web hosting, URL shortening and more. 
Visual Vision has been selling software online since 1998, and is a proud member of the Association of Shareware Professionals 
Visual Vision, professional tools for both on-line (Internet pages, sites, Html) and off-line (manuals, e-books, hypertext documents, CDs) authoring and publishing. Making Web sites, creating Internet and Intranet pages; building multimedia CD (with automatic install); catalogs; e-books, hypertext; policy and procedure manuals; laws, with cross references; health and safety manuals; training manuals, technical manuals; software user guides, on-line help systems; specifications, minutes. We have the best ebook creator (or compiler) on the market, the best Web site builder, the best catalog software tool out there. 

Visual Vision sells professional tools for creating high quality hypertext documents: create catalogs; create Web sites, Internet and Intranet pages; multimedia CD (with automatic install / autoinstall); make policy and procedure manuals; ebooks; rule-books; laws, with cross references; health and safety manuals; training manuals, technical manuals; software user guides, online help systems; build catalogues; specifications, minutes; multimedia electronic books; Html documents; schools-related hypertext. Ebooks, Web and CDROM publishing and authoring. Making hypermedia has never been so easy! 
[Click here for the VisualVision home page] 
Make a Web site Creating a Web site quickly Making a Web page Create a Web site quickly Software per creare cataloghi, manuali, siti Web, ipertesti, ebook Software per creare un catalogo, un manuale, un sito Web, un ipertesto, un ebook Programma per creare un catalogo, un CD, un sito Web, un manuale Come creare un sito Web Come creare un manuale, WinHelp, Html Help Come creare un ebook, libro elettronico creare un sito web creare un catalogo creare un manuale creare cataloghi su cdrom e siti creare pagine web creare manuali o ipertesti creare ebooks libri elettronici Shareware resources,shareware sites,upload sites,shareware distributors Risorse shareware,siti shareware,distributori shareware How to create a catalog, a web site, a manual, a CDROM, an ebook How to create a catalog How to create a Web site How to create a manual How to create a CDROM How to create an ebook How to create an autorun cd create cdrom cd front end Create autostart CD Create autorun CD Making autoplay CD Create a catalog making catalog Making a manual HTML Help software manual software Create a CDROM, a Web site, a catalog Create a catalog create a catalog on cdrom making catalog make a cd rom catalog creator catalog software multimedia software make a cd rom web site catalog Create a manual,a WinHelp,a Html Help, hypertext manual creator create htmlhelp create a manual creating manual manual software create html help html help compiler making manual Create a Web Site,Create a Web page,Software for Web publishing, Internet sites creation, Html editor WYSIWYG, WYSIWYL web creator web site builder web site software create a web site web site editor making web site how to create a web site web publishing software making Ebook make ebook ebook builder ebook compiler Create Ebooks E-book compiler software making ebook autorun cd software create autorun cd autoplay software  
Web publishing - Web and CDROM builder - Catalog creator software - Manual builder software - making Html Help software - creating ebook software - Hypermedia publishing - Html editor - How to create a web site - Creating web pages - How to create a web page - Create a manual - Making multimedia CDROM software - Create a web page - CD Front End - Web builder - Creating catalog - Make manual - Making Autostart CD - CD catalog creator - Create ebooks 
Perogatt’s Special Edition? Click on the image below: 
Special Perogatt Editions: a lot of templates, images, clip art, themes, also for Christmas Xmas. Make a nice Web site or CD! 
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